Welcome to Agnes & The Martian!

Welcome to Agnes & The Martian!

Monday, November 17, 2014

5 Reasons You Should Snag Our Newest Book ASAP!


We are pleased to announce that book #2, Agnes and the Martian's Camping Adventure, has hit the shelves!!!

Here are FIVE reasons you should drop what you're doing right now and go pick up a copy ASAP!

1. You will discover what crazy things happen on the Martian's second trip to Earth.
2. Kids - you might get an idea for YOUR next big adventure!
3. All your friends will be SOOO jealous that you have the coolest new book!
4. Moms, Christmas is in the bag! Our books make awesome gifts.
5. The big surprise is revealed. Find out who the Martian gets to meet.....(hint: Her name is Princess!)
You're probably asking......Where can I get this exciting book, full of intrigue and adventure?
Agnes & the Martian

Monday, September 22, 2014

We Promise

As children, we are born with such promise of the future. 
We love to dream about faraway places...
about adventure...
about all the things we want to do... 
We are told to SIT DOWN. 
We are told to BE QUIET.
  We are told NO, NO, NO!
Sometimes we are even told "you can't do that", or "that's not good enough".
We promise to help children keep dreaming, keep reading, to use our imaginations and to be creative.
We CAN DO anything! 

We can't wait to share our next adventure with you. And we PROMISE it will give you the giggles.
Agnes and the Martian

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Next Adventure

Here is a little hint as to what our next adventure will be.....

We just returned from a super fun weekend - I got to show the Martian what MY favorite thing to do is. He wasn't really sure he would like it very much.....but you'll see what happens when the next book comes out!  My mom is having the editor review it soon and we hope it will be on Amazon in the next month or so!
Love, Agnes

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

We are HAPPY that Agnes and the Martian is available on Amazon and Kindle!

Today we are so HAPPY. We may be even HAPPIER than when we officially decided we were best friends. Why are we so HAPPY?

Because we are now on Amazon AND Kindle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Click here for Amazon

Click here for Kindle

What a journey this has been. It started with a simple idea, and after lots of searching we landed on using Amazon's Create Space as our publishing platform. There were many challenges - formatting, creating the illustrations, getting the cover created and dealing with the snafus of transitioning the book to Kindle, and now we are facing the greatest one yet - getting the word out about our story! 

We hope you love our book and we will be forever grateful if you tell your friends and family about it!

Agnes and the Martian

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is now available for purchase!

Agnes and the Martian is available for purchase!

We are excited to announce that after months and months flying through space, avoiding black holes and exploring earth, we have finally landed long enough to publish.....The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is now available for purchase!

JUST in time for back to school. You are sure to be the COOLEST kid on your block when you are the first to show your friends this super-awesome book.

Available on Amazon's Create Space.

Coming soon on Amazon Kindle.

Coming soon on Amazon.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Almost there.....

Upon reviewing the final, final proof, with finger over the "Publish" button, we realize the spacing is just NOT right. We are so close we can taste it! We hare hoping to have the book published on Amazon within the week!  Are you getting EXCITED?? WE ARE!!!

Agnes and the Martian

Friday, August 1, 2014

Coming Soon - Children's Book, the Adventures of Agnes and the Martian

We are so excited to announce are debut book the Adventures of Agnes and the Martian!
We hope to have it available for purchase on Amazon within two weeks. Please stay tuned.
You can find our website at AgnesandtheMartian.com