Welcome to Agnes & The Martian!

Welcome to Agnes & The Martian!

About This Book

Agnes and the Martian
The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is the story of a spunky and adventurous young lady who meets a curious, little green alien with one eye right in the middle of his head. At first they aren't sure what to make of each other, but quickly learn how important it is not to judge a book by its cover—or, shall we say, a Martian by his one eye.
Find us at our website AgnesandtheMartian.com

Author Biography:

Dawn Hutchins lives in Florida with her husband, Chris, and her daughter, “Agnes.” She is a writer and recipe developer. Dawn created the blog Florida Coastal Cooking in 2009 when she discovered her entrepreneurial spirit. The inspiration for this book was her "Nana," whose bedtime story of Agnes and the Martian is one of Dawn's most treasured memories. She is so happy to pass this on to her daughter to create a connection between Agnes and her late great-grandmother, whom Agnes never got to meet. The illustrations are real photos, and Agnes painted much of the Martian and spaceship graphics. Dawn is excited to teach her daughter the magic of creativity, and this is their first entrepreneurial work together! Their passions include camping, yoga, paddle boarding and flying on spaceships with Martian.

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